Saturday, September 30, 2006

What a Friday

It was a Friday filled with colours and events. First, I had lunch with my colleagues and I was suprised to find out there were these prawns which are breeded inside a mineral water bottle. I've seriously never seen such stuffs before and that poor little prawn must have been in there since the day it was born. It's really suffering to be in those bottles I'm sure but of course, we didn't order it.

As Mits is leaving back to Japan this weekend, we thought of bringing him out again for a second round of fun. Of course, there are nothing much at night except for the clubs (duh). We were joined by my other ex-colleagues and it was more like a guys outing as there weren't many girls. Frankie told me that "Luna" doesn't take cover charge if we get in before 9.30PM. There were little or no traffic and I manage to reach just in time *phew* That saved me RM50 for the cover charge.

We left Luna and proceeded to Beach Club. It was pretty fun but unfortunately, that place is another old folks home. I had to control my alcohol consumption because I wouldn't want to puke in Frankie's car (again) *lol*. Besides, he's been telling to stop drinking as I suck at it. Well, I had a bottle of Corona (Luna), a glass of Chivas Coke (Luna) and then a couple of Hennesy VSOP Coke shots (Beach Club) - thanks to Ray. I stopped just after that because anything more would make everything come back out :)

It was still early so we moved over to Thai Club and paid RM28 cover charge each. Ok, finally I found a place where there are young people, at least someone around my age. Of course, there were many "Melbourne Shufflers" around and they dance pretty cool too. Frankie and I ended up playing pool and he took two shots of whisky *bravo*

I'm not a real clubber truthfully and I was there just to hang out with my bunch of cool friends. In one weeks time, we went to 7atenine, Poppy Garden/Passion, Luna Bar, Beach Club and Thai Club. That's amazing isn't it? Of course, I've never done such a thing before but honestly, it's a great experience :) After all, it'll be a long time before I go clubbing again.

Lastly, I'd like to thank Frankie for driving me around and if you're reading this, please keep that stupid blackberry away the next time we go out. It's a horrid when you keep looking at it cos come on, it's happy hour *lol*

I feel so tired after a long day and it's bedtime :) Good night folks, haha.

/me crapped at 3:52 AM GMT+8

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Thursday, September 28, 2006


When the Buddha gave his first sermon in the Deer Park, he began the 'Turning of the Dharma Wheel'. He chose the beautiful symbol of the wheel with its eight spokes to represent the Noble Eightfold Path. The Buddha's teaching goes round and round like a great wheel that never stops, leading to the central point of the wheel, the only point which is fixed, Nirvana. The eight spokes on the wheel represent the eight parts of the Noble Eightfold Path. Just as every spoke is needed for the wheel to keep turning, we need to follow each step of the path.

1. Right View. The right way to think about life is to see the world through the eyes of the Buddha - with wisdom and compassion.

2. Right Thought. We are what we think. Clear and kind thoughts build good, strong characters.

3. Right Speech. By speaking kind and helpful words, we are respected and trusted by everyone.

4. Right Conduct. No matter what we say, others know us from the way we behave. Before we criticize others, we should first see what we do ourselves.

5. Right Livelihood. This means choosing a job that does not hurt others. The Buddha said, "Do not earn your living by harming others. Do not seek happiness by making others unhappy."

6. Right Effort. A worthwhile life means doing our best at all times and having good will toward others. This also means not wasting effort on things that harm ourselves and others.

7. Right Mindfulness. This means being aware of our thoughts, words, and deeds.

8. Right Concentration. Focus on one thought or object at a time. By doing this, we can be quiet and attain true peace of mind.

Following the Noble Eightfold Path can be compared to cultivating a garden, but in Buddhism one cultivates one's wisdom. The mind is the ground and thoughts are seeds. Deeds are ways one cares for the garden. Our faults are weeds. Pulling them out is like weeding a garden. The harvest is real and lasting happiness.

/me crapped at 9:06 PM GMT+8

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Well done PDRM!!!

PDRM (Polis DiRaja Malaysia) is hardworking when it comes to traffic offenses and catching tax-payers. However when we talk about robberies, car theft, rape or snatch thieves, they might not act so well or should I say ineffective.

As a way to compliment how well they catch on tax-payers and traffic offenses, I attach a screenshot of my traffic summon. It looks like I'll have to burn RM100-RM140 for both pieces that I acquired.

To be really honest, I am parking my car very much to the sideways and it doesn't really obstruct the traffic. It so happens that there isn't a box for me to park in and I earn a ticket for it.

Of course we'll have to compliment the police for doing such a good job to generate move revenue for the government and by catching tax-payers like us. We pay their salary and now we have to pay extra :) However, they have to re-think on how they could cut down crimes. If you were to ask me how I grade the force from 1 to 5 with 5 being the best, I'd probably say they are at "1". They should spend their time to do more patrols and go after the criminals instead of tax-payers and people like us which contribute to the country's economy.

Hopefully our country will be a safer place to stay and we won't get to read much news about all these repetitious crimes on the newspapers daily but until then, they'll still be "1".

/me crapped at 11:32 AM GMT+8

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Wednesday, September 27, 2006


Obviously it's good to be patient but sometimes, this ain't the best way to overcome things. We just have to be agressive, rational and dynamic in order to think what is the best solution to the problem.

In the corporate world, people (especially bosses) loves going around the bushes, using the same piece of information and manipulate it up and down. As such, it takes a longer time for the problem to be rectified or perhaps never. These group of people likes to "talk" and "talk", going for "meetings" then "meetings".

That's the life of a "boss" :)

/me crapped at 4:47 PM GMT+8

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Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Buddhism : The Triple Jewel

The Buddha knew it would be difficult for people to follow his teachings on their own, so he established the Three Refuges for them to rely on. If a person wants to become Buddhists take refuge in and rely on the Buddha, the Dharma, and the Sangha. These are known as the Triple Jewel. The Sangha are the monks and nuns. They live in monasteries and carry on the Buddha's teaching. The word Sangha means 'harmonious community'. The Buddha, the Dharma, and the Sangha together possess qualities that are precious like jewels and can lead one to enlightenment.

A refuge is a place to go for safety and protection, like a shelter in a storm. Taking refuge does not mean running away from life. It means living life in a fuller, truer way.

Taking refuge is also like a man traveling for the first time to a distant city. He will need a guide to show him which path to follow and some traveling companions to help him along the way.

The Buddha is the guide.
The Dharma is the path.
The Sangha are the teachers or companions along the way.
There is a special ceremony for taking refuge with the Triple Jewel. With a sincere mind, one recites the following verse in front of an ordained monk or nun.
I go to the Buddha for refuge.
I go to the Dharma for refuge.
I go to the Sangha for refuge.

For a Buddhist, taking refuge is the first step on the path to enlightenment. Even if enlightenment is not achieved in this life, one has a better chance to become enlightened in a future life. One who take the precepts is called a lay person.

/me crapped at 10:23 AM GMT+8

Comments: 1 shouts


Sunday, September 24, 2006

Michael Buble

I haven't been listening to English songs for some time but I got to know this singer by the name of Michael Buble which has really cool tracks. Well, at least I could play these kinda music when I drive the girls around in my scrap metal car, haha. Now wait, I don't really drive a lot of girls around so please, don't misunderstand what I'm saying.

I need some new R&B CD's as well so if anyone could give me some ideas what to get, it'll be lovely :)

/me crapped at 11:10 PM GMT+8

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It's clubbing time

Mits is here in KL again after so long and I'm glad I could see him. He's a cool guy, a Japanese. It's a night out in the clubs and we started off at "7atenine" then "Poppy Garden". Unfortunately, both places are either an old folks home or a middle age hangout spot. There aren't many attractive girls but I gotta admit there are one or two (probably).

It's my second or third time going to the clubs this year. Well, we had lots of fun and I controlled my alcohol consumption because I wouldn't want to puke in Frankie's car again. It's just not good :p

Everywhere closes at 3AM so we headed home. On the streets, I saw a huge group of "mat rempits" and the scene really sucks. It shows how pathetic these people are and proves just how low class Malaysia is but after all, nothing much can be done. I wonder if these people go to school and will they ever learn how to be a civillized person. It's a sad situation but a fact unfortunately.

/me crapped at 3:58 AM GMT+8

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Saturday, September 23, 2006

You're a failure

You think you've done so much but probably it's only a little. You have high hopes but probably it's just illusions. Be positive, illusions are just the first step to reality and well, it might be true after all.

You're sometimes thinking too much, looking at things too complex. It's just hard to avoid as you're alone, you don't let people read your mind and know you inside out. You're always confident but its just sad to know nothing is working out.

You need someone but where is that someone? Is there really that someone after all? Have the faith and just wait for time will tell if the wait will ever end.

You feel you're now a failure and there isn't any good accomplishments so far. You're not getting what you want and nothing is coming your way. The road ahead is never easy but after all the rough paths you've gone through, you must continue and be strong.

You're just different from the rest. Is it a good thing after all?

/me crapped at 12:26 AM GMT+8

Comments: 1 shouts


Friday, September 22, 2006

Lah, lah, lah not for speaking

It's Friday and today wasn't so busy. I'm glad I could relax, surf the net a bit and go around talking cock :) Well, it's end of the week anyway so why stress ourselves so much, haha. Besides, it's going to be salary day on Monday.

My other colleague will be off so I'll be doing all the shit work alone. Hopefully there aren't plenty of shit to clean up or else you'll see me going grumpy. My palm says I'm emotional but I don't really think I am. However, I can be easily irritated by stupid comments/people *lol*

There's this ad from British council which is very good and may the Malaysians learn how to speak without the "lah's" :) Thanks to Ah Ming for sharing this with me.

/me crapped at 5:17 PM GMT+8

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Thursday, September 21, 2006

Mooncake festival soon

Mooncake festival is a popular Chinese celebration of abundance and togetherness which goes all the way back to over 3,000 years ago and is coming soon as tomorrow is the first day of August in the Chinese lunar calendar.

This event marks the celebration of the farmers at the end of the summer harvesting season. Traditionally on this day, Chinese family members and friends will gather to admire the bright mid-autumn harvest moon, and eat moon cakes and pameloes together. Brightly lit lanterns are often carried around by children too.

Back then when I was a kid, I will always lit up lanterns and hang them outside my house gate. Although there aren't many people that would play or celebrate with me, I still feel happy to see all those colourful lanterns being hung up. It's a very special day indeed but in recent years, I've stopped litting up lanterns.

I find Chinese culture very special and distinct as histories of these cultures could go all the way back to thousands of years ago. I'm very proud to be a Chinese and I'm glad I'm born as one :)

/me crapped at 4:37 PM GMT+8

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Wednesday, September 20, 2006

I'm going crazy?

What's so great and nice about clubbing? Well, there's no complain if one were to go once in a while but I seriously see something wrong in a person that goes to such places weekly. What's in it and what's in there?! Apart from burning cash, we end up drinking like fishes (for some). Simply weird.

It's already Wednesday or should I say just Wednesday. It'll be another 2 more days to the weekends. Look at how boring life is when you wait for the weekends during your weekdays then start counting from zero again the next Monday. I'm going crazy ... someone please help?!

/me crapped at 2:36 PM GMT+8

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Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Need a break

I'll have to wait all the way till October for holidays. There are plenty of it coming up and since I had to clear off my leaves, it makes it even more fun, more off days and that also means I don't have to go office so much. I need a vacation badly and I need to run off from this "wonderful" city for a few days. There are so many places which I've never been before and to start off, I'd say I should go Bangkok. It's cheap and something I could afford.

Poor people like me are living in debts. Salary day is coming soon but again, it doesn't make me richer. I must learn a way on how I should double up my earnings - too many things to buy :)

/me crapped at 5:22 PM GMT+8

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I feel damn boring about things lately. It seems that nothing is moving forward, nothing is turning better. It's just those days but life goes on and who cares anyway.

It's been another Monday and I've gotta go office tomorrow, doing the same old crap work. No life, no career, no future.

/me crapped at 12:23 AM GMT+8

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Saturday, September 16, 2006

Pretty sweet

It was raining the whole evening, makes weather cooling :) It'll probably be better if it rains after midnight, hehe. It's Saturday night, party time for everyone but I'm at home, in front of the notebook. Oh well, I lead a boring life ain't it? No probs, I already knew it since some time ago ;) I'm still in the lookout for the wonderful princess. Where are you? *lol*

Someone please recommend me some good English titles so that I could get some new CD's since tomorrow is Sunday and pasar malam day - best time to get "P" copies :p I've been looping the same old ones for too many times cos journey to work is like 50 mins per way. In addition, normal driving around town is also kinda long with road hoggers all over.

/me crapped at 8:47 PM GMT+8

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Friday, September 15, 2006

Feeling good again

Fever was at 39.5C when I returned home after work on Tuesday and took me 2 days for it to subside. My body was hot, aching, head was heavy and my reaction was super slow. If you give me 10 seconds to grab as much money as I could, I'd probably can't run around fast enough to do so too. It's super scary when you get fever especially the very high ones and I've been on MC 3 days this week. The good thing on the other hand is that I've been on vegetarian since the day I was sick until today :)

I'm feeling much better now *yippie* and body is as strong as an 18 year old!

/me crapped at 2:32 PM GMT+8

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Tuesday, September 12, 2006


I'm feeling hot and sick - fever. If this goes on till end of the day, I'll be on MC again tomorrow. No one is making porridge for me to eat also :( Oh well :p

It'll be another long day at work especially when you're not feeling well.

/me crapped at 9:14 AM GMT+8

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Monday, September 11, 2006

I don't mind, do what you want :)

Not everyone has a supportive and happy family. I for one, does not have it and all I know is there'll never be happiness in my family. It doesn't matter anymore as it's too late for anything and I hope to have my own family someday which I will assure that I'll do everything I can to make it a happy one. I want to be supportive to my children and wife, not someone that throws tantrum, show faces, never admit to mistakes and talk bad about others :)

Not everyone would know or admit their mistakes in life. There's no point to think we're alright right, not understanding our faults and the situation. In life, we always learn and the journey of learning never stops. I think I've tried hard enough but things just doesn't work. No worries because I know what I want in life and I will not ruin what I want. If the rest wants to continue thinking they are forever right, throw tantrum, show faces or talk bad about others, it's their choice for all of us choose our own paths in life.

/me crapped at 12:33 PM GMT+8

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Sunday, September 10, 2006

Traffic jams?

Sometimes our Malaysian roads especially the city goes on traffic jam just because a simple reason - ROAD HOGGERS. The majority of the morons in this country would always like to drive slowly on the fast lane and doesn't move aside when people wants to overtake. Despite flashing and sometimes even honking, they are still hogging the lane.

At times I'm only driving at 80 km/h and if I stay stagnant at that speed, I'll be hitting the car in front. When I observe the first left lane, it is almost empty.

The mentality of these people are really lousy. No wonder even the government departments work so slowly and there we go talking about Vision 2020. Do we think that's going to happen when the general public doesn't even understand such a simple thing? There are too many problems with the country, government and even the people. It's either their mind is unable to absorb good values or they are plain dumb :) Malaysia boleh!

/me crapped at 11:28 PM GMT+8

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I manage to wake up before 1PM today *woohoo* and hopefully I'll sleep early tonight. Most of the time I'll be super tired on Monday mornings because I can't sleep early on a Sunday night.

There's an Audi A4 (B6) for sale on Star Motoring but it costs RM109K. I'd say it's a pretty good price for a 4-5 year Audi car. However, I won't be buying it unless I happen to strike a lottery sometime soon :)

I have also put up the latest song from Jay Zhou onto my site. Anyway, have a good Sunday everyone.

/me crapped at 2:43 PM GMT+8

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Thursday, September 07, 2006

The AUDI A4 (B6)

I had a passion for continental cars particularly BMW. However, the list has been growing and expanding lately when I start to adore the Mercedes E-Class Brabus and the Audi A4. I just have to say these are simply superb cars and not to mention their technology.

I really hope I would be able to own one very soon, preferably an Audi A4 (B6/B7) or a BMW 325 (E46/E90). Btw, I'd also like to share some of the lovely modded Audi A4's with everyone :)

/me crapped at 4:10 PM GMT+8

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The cheaper fine rates has been called off and reversed by the cabinet. It looks like the Transportation ministry and the police haven't been communicating and discussing before decisions are made. As you can see, it is simply lousy on how the government is doing things and it also doesn't set a good example.

If racism is still an issue for the morons and if this is how our government is going to be, I am very sure that the country will never go anywhere. At the end of the day when there are no Chinese in the country, it wouldn't help Malaysia to become a better place either. They are just too simple minded and doesn't think of things in the long run :) All they care and know is to blame Chinese. The sad part is, they still don't understand what the flaws with the current system are and learn how to stop blaming others even in the new millennium. Perhaps they'll never grow and improve; they are meant to be in a lousy manner forever.

/me crapped at 10:05 AM GMT+8

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Tuesday, September 05, 2006


Maybe people doesn't know what I dislike. Well here's a list on what I dislike:

I hate being lied by others
I hate people that shows off
I hate people that concludes something without seeing the bigger picture
I hate people that curses me
I hate people that go against what I want ESPECIALLY by telling me I won't get it
I hate people that tells me what to do
I hate people that likes to assume negative things
I hate people that backstabs others

Anyway, enjoy life - live life cool :)

/me crapped at 3:37 PM GMT+8

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Monday, September 04, 2006

Cheaper road summon rates

PDRM announces new summon rates today and some of them are lesser by 50%. Below are the list of the new rates with old rates in bracket. I think they should add in another category and summon those that hogs the road :)

/me crapped at 11:05 PM GMT+8

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Non-Monday blues

What did I do on my off day? I woke up at 11AM, cleaned my room, mop my floor in 5 mins - rinse it twice and took another 5 mins to dry things up. What am I doing next? I'm lazing now in front of my computer and typing all these crap :)

The weather is good and it's raining outside; not too heavy but at least it cool things a little. Lovely Monday I would say.

/me crapped at 3:20 PM GMT+8

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My September Sunday

I had coffee in San Francisco Ampang Point and happen to notice the building opposite had the Malaysia and Selangor flag upside down. It's pretty funny but I guess the person that put it up did that on purpose. It's a good way to humiliate the country and obviously, I don't give a heck about it :)

During the night, I followed the group for night chanting in Setapak. It had a pretty good view of KLCC and I manage to snap a shot from my W800i. The quality isn't that good and it gives me reasons to get a better camera phone in future, maybe the K800i? :p

/me crapped at 1:34 AM GMT+8

Comments: 2 shouts


Sunday, September 03, 2006


I have been playing Monopoly online lately. It has always been my favourite board game since I was a kid. It matters a lot when you throw the dice yourself rather than the computer doing it for you.

The online Monopoly site however is simply dumb and everytime I throw dices, it'll hit on other's hotels. Sometimes I can even hit 2 hotels in a single throw when the other party doesn't even hit my hotels before. This is all about dice throwing and luck so who would win if he keeps on hitting other's hotels?

I got totally fed up with it and I've been on multiple losing streaks. Every single time, no one ever hit my hotels. I wonder if that site is done by a Malaysian.

/me crapped at 2:18 PM GMT+8

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Friday, September 01, 2006

LCD/Plasma in the wishlist

Has anyone of you thought of getting an LCD or Plasma TV? Everytime I pass by the electrical store, I'll spend some time looking at the LCD or even the Plasma. To me, it's simply such a great TV which is huge, clear and something that I would want to put in my house :) The price of these TV's has been dropping recently and 32" LCD's could go for as low as RM4K+ these days.

I need to do some research and in fact, plenty of it to understand which is a better buy. Apparently my "wish list" is getting longer lately. If someone would be nice enough to get me this TV for Christmas then I'll be remembering him/her for good, haha.

/me crapped at 11:12 AM GMT+8

Comments: 4 shouts
