Wednesday, December 27, 2006

TMnet is still DOWN

The internet connectivity is yet to be restored and it's going to be 24 hours downtime real soon. TMnet is not doing a good job and Singtel has already got theirs fixed. Malaysia BOLEH did it again! I wonder what's holding TMnet back? Everything is screwed, no MSN or Yahoo and especially my online game. I'll most likely get a message on the screen saying "You're Dead" the next time I logon. Thanks TMnet, you did it again by providing us cocked up service and "on-time" resolution.

/me crapped at 7:09 PM GMT+8

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International Link Down

Internet connectivity seems to be slow which makes the overall surfing experience boring. I researched around and found out that the international link was down thus affecting overall connection speed. It'll take a while before they manage to fix :(

In another few days, it'll be 2007 and time to think about New Year's revolution. My birthday is coming, Chinese New Year is less than 2 months away and big spending spree is about to happen again. Well, let's not worry about how to spend lesser and save money but worry about how to earn more and spend more :) That's my first revolution.

/me crapped at 12:12 PM GMT+8

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Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Lorry on fire

I woke up late and hence, I reached office late. I saw something extraordinary on my way to work earlier along MRR2. Traffic was smooth until all of a sudden when there's a slight jam. There were heavy black smokes and as I drove nearer, a lorry was on fire on the opposite direction. As usual, "caring" Malaysian drivers would stop by, take a peep, assess the situation before moving on :) Ok, I became a "caring" Malaysian this time too and I carefully snapped 2 pictures with my W800i. Unfortunately, it doesn't look that good so there's a reason why I'm not a photographer but an IT worker.

Everyone's on year end vacation and office is quiet. It's one of the most peaceful period in a year. Salary's already out and it'll be another month before the next one comes.

/me crapped at 10:51 AM GMT+8

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Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas 2006

Merry Christmas everyone, in particular to all my Christian friends. My Christmas eve was celebrated with nothing special but a drink with Mr. Eric at Steven's. I also manage to spend some time playing snooker and my game is improving but not up to the standards that I used to be. I still miss stupid shots, in front of the pocket kinda shots, etc *grr*

It's already Christmas today and I'd probably spend more time at home, maybe sleeping. Most of the folks are already in a holiday mood/season and would be having their time-offs for the whole week until January. On the other hand, the flood condition in Johor/Melaka has not been improving a lot but I hope things would be fine soon. My prayers to them that the flood will subside and they could return to their home.

Last but not least, a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

/me crapped at 3:36 AM GMT+8

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Friday, December 22, 2006

An open letter to the PM

Dear Prime Minister Abdullah, When you first came into power after the 2004 general election, you promised us that you would be prime minister for all Malaysians.

In fact, I still have the letter you sent out to voters before the elections that promised you would fulfill your duties with sincerity, integrity, efficiency and fairness.

It was a letter that moved people, including staunch Opposition supporters.

There was hope that a new leadership which was more conciliatory, more willing to listen to differing views and more just was in store for the country.

And people invested in that hope by voting the Barisan Nasional back into power with a clear majority.

But recent events, including your administration's reactions to these events, have been deeply troubling.

The most recent has been the disruption of a peaceful and legitimate public forum in Penang organised by a group of non-governmental organisations that wanted to help people reclaim their rights under the Federal Constitution.

It was unfortunate, but really no longer inconceivable, that those who opposed such a civil discussion should frame their opposition in ways that incite hostility, threaten violence and make false accusations in the name of Islam, a religion that in fact promotes peace and justice.

What is actually more troubling is that as prime minister, you have also publicly announced that these issues of Constitutional rights are "sensitive" and the organisers of such events must be careful not to tread on "dangerous ground", lest the government has to use the Sedition Act against them.

Why would you lend legitimacy to the argument that Malaysians should steer clear of discussing issues which affect us all as citizens, whether Muslim or non-Muslim?

By continuously telling Malaysians these issues are "sensitive" and "dangerous", isn't your administration really creating a self-fulfilling prophecy? Aren't you in fact supporting the argument that these issues should not be discussed?

Additionally, Malaysians have been reminded by Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Datuk Seri Mohamed Nazri Abdul Aziz that it's not for no reason that the word "amok" comes from the Malay community.

Non-Muslims - and that easily translates to non-Malays in this country - are told we cannot speak out about the way Islam is used to formulate laws and public policies in this country even though they affect all of us.

We are told that not just the Sedition Act can be used, so can the Internal Security Act which allows for detention without trial.

In fact, I found it deeply paradoxical that Nazri could repeat the threat of the ISA at an international meeting of experts on Islam and human rights last month.

How can an unjust law be Islamic? We know it cannot, and yet, it would seem your administration is wielding it as a way to silence citizens in a democracy.

The way I see it, naming something "sensitive" and "dangerous" is just a disingenuous way of saying, "This is not open for dialogue and discussion. We might tolerate your views but only to a certain extent."

What that extent is, is left to be seen. We hope your election promises will be kept for all Malaysians, but really, many of us are more fearful than reassured.

From a non-Muslim perspective, the events leading up to the need for public discussions such as the Article 11 forum in Penang, have been disconcerting and troubling.

The painful injustice suffered by S. Shamala who found that her estranged husband could unilaterally convert their children to Islam, and the widow of M. Moorthy who discovered she could not bury her husband according to Hindu rights, are real and frightening.

But those instances of injustice are not being framed as "sensitive" by non-Muslims. They are not being used to threaten violence or incite hostility in order to silence discussion of the issues at hand.

Additionally, when you upheld the decision for the tudung to be used in police parades, did you consider how it would make non-Muslims feel? How can it still be a surprise then that most non-Malays will not join the police force?

Really, I don't need to be a Muslim or a Malay to have a stake in this country. But even that might be delegitimised because in more ways than one, I'm a minority.

And I'm constantly reminded that my views and concerns must give way to the privileges and rights of the dominant race, and a specific interpretation of the faith they profess.

But really what I want to ask you is this: Why do I have to constantly feel afraid in my own country? Why am I continuously told I have less rights to discuss important issues affecting my community?

You promised to be prime minister for all Malaysians. We hope you will remember that promise.

A Malaysian citizen (Jacqueline Ann Surin).

/me crapped at 10:18 AM GMT+8

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Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Bok House

Lately, we see the demolition of another historical structure within the KL city centre which is known as the "Bok House". It looks like the municipal council and government does not care about Malaysian heritage, not bothered to even lose another national treasure.

The house is filled with it's own stories and not to mention the long history. It was built in 1926 and was designed by one of the best architectural firm in the region back then. During the 1942 world war II, the Japanese took over the house and after the war, the British used it as a place to house its air force women before it is turned into a restuarant in 1958.

What a good way to start "Visit Malaysia Year 2007" :)

/me crapped at 2:20 PM GMT+8

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Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Is this the way to reduce traffic?

Kuala Lumpur's new mayor suggested a pathetic and stupid idea on his first day at work as he claims our public transportation system is good enough now and hence, we should pay a levy if we were to drive into the city during peak hours. As a comparison, such levies are also imposed in huge cities like London but think about it; does our rail and bus systems as efficient as London's busses and Underground network? Besides, we wouldn't know what happens to the money collected from levies as this is Malaysia and anything could happen :) You know what I mean.

The government continuously add on burdens to tax payers and citizens like us which has voted for them. Today, we not only have to pay SUPER expensive toll rates but also risk having to pay levies to the municipal council if this ridiculous idea is approved.

Other interesting things which he said includes "As for next year's Visit Malaysia Year, Hakim said old buildings would be repainted and potholes patched up." This means our KL road potholes are only patched up under two circumstances which are either the election time or "Visit Malaysia" year which occurs every decade. We just "love" KL roads very very much, don't we?

/me crapped at 11:01 AM GMT+8

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Monday, December 18, 2006

Happy December Holidays

It's year end and everyone is on holidays except for me. The reason is because my colleague took leaves and someone has to be around. That's the stupid part about working in an IT company, supporting mission critical applications *duh* There are probably some advantages like traffic won't be so bad, office would be kinda quiet (haunted) and you get to feel sick for not going for a year end vacation.

Apart from that, it's our appraisal time which determines next year's bonus and increment. Let's see how it goes and hopefully, more money. I need CASH, MONEY, CASH, MONEY, ...

/me crapped at 11:40 PM GMT+8

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Night out at 7atenine

It was a night over at 7atenine again. A typical Saturday night and the place was filled with middle age people everywhere (age 30 and above) except for a few tables, like ours :) Our "Black Label" was there since September so we have to show our faces to avoid the bottle being forfeited.

Apparently all the stickers on the bottle were missing so we've got nothing except for ice and water. Frankie became the hero by purchasing a jug of Coke for RM36.30 since we needed mixers. Anyway, I can't drink whisky without Coke :(

There were 7 of us and we still couldn't finish the bottle. Hence, we got a new card and the bottle expires in the next 2 months. Now, there's another reason why we should visit this place again.

/me crapped at 11:26 PM GMT+8

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Thursday, December 14, 2006

Fever visit

I remembered the last time I had fever and a mouth full of ulcers. It sucks totally and I had troubles eating food. For the past two months, fever has been been making a routine visit on me and guess what, I'm strucked with fever (AGAIN) today.

I woke up in the morning and I felt weird. The same "feverish" feeling was there and I know it isn't a good sign. When I got into office, I started to feel cold and I had my jacket on. Well, it didn't really helped a lot and I ended up seeing the panel doctor.

The doctor was pretty "OK" but the nurses are "LEAST OK". Investigation shows that I'm having sore throat and this causes the mild fever. Hmm, it doesn't sound logical to me but what the heck. I swallowed anti-biotics, fever tablets and sore throat tablets when I got back to my cubicle.

I'm now feeling terribly sleepy and tired, my eyes are starting to close. I hope to get well soon (by tomorrow). Son of a gun, stupid fever - GO AWAY!!!

/me crapped at 3:32 PM GMT+8

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Wednesday, December 13, 2006


Humans are sometimes forgetful and unappreciative. Some people doesn't treasure or feel happy with what they have until they lose it. When the regret comes, it's already too late. In life, some things only come once and when it goes away, there would be nothing you can do to keep it. Remember folks, treasure what you have today :)

It's 9 plus and I'm feeling sleepy and tired. It looks like I'll take off to bed early tonight as it's been a long day at work. The shit never ends, something new comes out once in a while and keeps you occupied. It makes your job interesting, filled with new challenges *duh*.

A good sleep for myself and a nice day for me and everyone tomorrow. Weekends is coming again and I need to fully recharge myself.

/me crapped at 9:03 PM GMT+8

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Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Back to work tomorrow

I had four days of fun and relaxation as I free myself from work. It looks like December is simply a great month and after all, Christmas is just around the corner. When you be with that special person and when she's always there for you, life just seems to be more colourful and wonderful :)

Yesterday, I had my first experience in KLCC's premier toilet. Entrance fee is RM2 and it's the dumbest thing I've ever done. There's nothing great about the toilet as it isn't any bigger, doesn't have gold plated toilet bowls around it but a piece of huge mirror in front of the loo. Bravo, it is indeed a smart design (by a gay) which is probably for gays to see how sexy they are while they pee. Well, you can't expect much from design as this is Malaysia anyway.

The toilet basin contains several "Body Shop" products which doesn't look hygenic and appealing. It's quite worn off, maybe because it's been shared around. I had some hand lotion and it stinks so next time, I'd say "Thanks but no thanks" - No more premier toilets!

I ended up in KLCC again today (for some reasons) and bought 2 cans of Coke from Japan. Adding up to my collection, I currently have 62 bottles/cans and am running out of space. A new cupboard for Christmas is needed.

/me crapped at 8:51 PM GMT+8

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My Coke is missing!!!

I haven't been tidying up my room for a while and as I was doing so today, I discovered that 2 of my small Coke can is missing. They are from UAE and was given by my uncle when he came back from UK a couple of years ago. It really pisses me off tremendously when I learn that it was missing. In fact, I just don't understand how it could disappear!!!

At the same time, hosting is down again. I wonder when on earth would they start to be more reliable and professional.

/me crapped at 1:08 AM GMT+8

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Thursday, December 07, 2006

I'm 29% through life

Ladies and gentleman, Christmas is just around the corner and it marks the end of another wonderful year. I'm getting older and come to think about it, I'm fast approaching 30. The time would come for me to get married someday, quit logging into friendster, stop thinking about my online games, no more MSN-ing 8 hours a day and probably give up blogging, lol.

When I was young, I wanted to grow up so fast and now that I'm an adult, I'd prefer not to go older that fast :p Life is enjoyable and there are so many new things that I've learnt throughout the years like our government is totally screwed up, bosses are sometimes stupid with a brain as small as a tiny red bean. Anyway, that's life :)

No matter what it is, just enjoy life. Crack stupid jokes, laugh like a monkey, complain and whine, sleep early and quit eating pizzas before going to bed.

/me crapped at 11:28 PM GMT+8

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Recent addiction

In the recent days, I've been badly addicted to an online game. Well actually, I've played it before once upon a time ago. It's really cool especially when you attack someone else and rip their heads off. I also sense a big problem about being an IT guy. Technically, my job requires me to sit in front of the notebook for at least 6 hours a day excluding lunch hours. It's definitely eye damaging and the recent addiction for games makes me spend even more time in front of my screen :p

It'll be a long weekend for me again as next Monday and Tuesday is an off day. I'm glad I can sleep late, wake up late and enjoy myself. Holidays indeed bring a lot of good for us :)

/me crapped at 6:49 PM GMT+8

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Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Malaysia did it again

It was in the news yesterday and I was suprised that even the Bar Council elections had forged ballots papers. I thought this is a professional organization and it is unbelievable that such thing would ever happen. Again, Malaysia BOLEH have done it again :) Look at all these wonders that could happen in this country so who's fault is it? The citizen, government or no one's fault?

/me crapped at 2:13 PM GMT+8

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Monday, December 04, 2006

Sunday outing

Sg. Wang seems to be having some Christmas events. On top of that, there's "Gundam" exhibition going on. I'm not a fan of them but it's nice to see as some of it are really cool. It was a Sunday so I believe everyone went out and the malls were packed. Besides, there are sales all over so it's the best time to shop - value for money.

Photos taken from my W800i is not that nice anymore. Perhaps it's time for a new camera phone :)

/me crapped at 10:34 AM GMT+8

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Sunday, December 03, 2006

Internet Explorer 7

I installed Internet Explorer 7 on my notebook and the latest version is cool, giving me tabbed browsing and clear type fonts. Of course, tabbed browsing have existed in Mozilla Firefox for ages and somehow, Microsoft stole it over :)

Apart from the new interface, the new IE also slows down the notebook a little. I have no idea what rubbish Microsoft incorporated with it but on second thoughts, I might be better off with Firefox 2.0 instead *regrets*

/me crapped at 12:36 PM GMT+8

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Friday, December 01, 2006

It's December 2006

I registered myself for an online game lately. It's more of a strategy type of game, kinda boring but at least I have something to click around when I open up my browser :) After "internet-ing" for almost a decade, you somehow lose ideas on what to do when you go online.

It was raining in the evening and the traffic was bad. It took me a while before I could reach my destination. I don't understand why does it always rain during evenings when people finishes work. Why can't it rain during the night instead? Hmm, I wish the rain comes at a better timing.

/me crapped at 10:53 PM GMT+8

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